
I’m a tenured research associate in Philosophy and Neuroscience at the Jülich Research Center, in Jülich, Germany. I am also a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Bonn. Most of what I work on has to do with neuroscience and artificial intelligence, how these two fields are related to each other, and how scientific work in these fields relates to older philosophical ideas.

My group in Jülich runs a series of talks about the philosophy of technology. Check it out.


Permanent Research Associate
Jülich Research Center, Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine
Sep 2018 – Present Germany
Research on philosophical questions associated with neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Lecturing in the Philosophy department at the University of Bonn.
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Iona College
Sep 2016 – Sep 2018 New York

Responsibilities include:

  • Teaching philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and logic
  • Creation of neuroscience minor in psychology department
National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Scholar
Sep 2015 – Sep 2016 New York
Researched the nature of information in neuroscience and biology with Professor Peter Godfrey-Smith.

Recent Publications

Can we read minds by imaging brains?

Reading minds is easier than you might think.

Mending wall

If meta-cognition evolved, there is probably something like semi-meta-cognition.


  • charles {dot} rathkopf {at} gmail.com
  • DM Me